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Matt Hayes Lake Escapes: Blue Marlin And Grande Wahoo

Matt Hayes Lake Escapes - Blue Marlin And Grande Wahoo
  • Serie:Auf den Fisch gekommen
  • Mitwirkende:-
  • Regie:-
  • Vertrieb:Dv (CMS)
  • VÖ-Datum:30.12.2011
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
This riveting series finds angler Matt Hayes packing his tackle and suitcase for a sereis of journeys, from the Arctic Circle to the warm riversides of Spain. We see the delights of short break fishing and discover where the 'reel' deals can be found. This exotic programme sees Matt jet-setting off to the heavenly Azores. Here the pure blue waters have long been famous for their abundance of tuna, and are increasingly winning a similar fame for their swordfish and marlin. Matt spends a tantalising few days learning complex big-fishing techniques, and persevering admirably in his battle to lure the blue and white marlin to his bait. He then heads to Madeira where, aboard the Katherine B, he catches and examines a skipjack and some vicious wahoo, with the help of an expert who has left his home in Australia to devote his life to the hunt for these big fish.
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