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The Mill: Series 1

The Mill - Series 1
  • Serie:The Mill
  • Mitwirkende:Jamie Draven, Kerrie Hayes, Holly Lucas, Barbara Marten, Aidan McArdle, Kevin R. McNally, Matthew McNulty, Craig Parkinson, Sacha Parkinson, Claire Rushbrook, Donald Sumpter
  • Vertrieb:Acorn Media
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
Vereinigte Königreich Edition, PAL/Region 2 DVD: TON: Englisch ( Dolby Digital 2.0 ), Englisch ( Untertitel ), WIDESCREEN (1.78:1), BONUSMATERIAL: Filmographies, Foto-Galerie, Hinter den Szenen, Satz 2-DVD, Szene Zugang, Wechselwirkendes Menü, SYNOPSIS: Das Historiendrama "The Mill" zeigt das ländliche Leben Großbritanniens des 19. Jahrhunderts, als die immer weiter voranschreitende industrielle Revolution nach und nach die Existenz der Bauernfamilien gefährdet. ...The Mill - 2-DVD Set ( )
Based on a powerful true story, The Mill is a four-part drama set in the turbulent year of 1833, a time when industry is sweeping children as young as nine into the factories and mills to work 12-hour days. But things are about to change as one feisty young girl, Esther Price (Kerrie Hayes) decides to take a stand against the mill-owners and the lackeys who rule their tired and hungry lives. The Greg family pride themselves on treating their workers fairly; but in the hands of those who carry out their orders, from the Timperleys maintaining the apprentice house, to those overseeing the mill floor, kindness can soon become cruelty, with injustice and suppression the norm. But the world is changing. Inside, Daniel Greg, the mill-owner s son, is taking over the business and modernising ruthlessly; while outside, civil disobedience is on the rise. Times are changing for better or worse, and the balance of power is about to fall into the hands of a young girl called Esther Price.
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