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  • Serie:Apparitions
  • Mitwirkende:Martin Shaw, Luigi Diberti, Siobhan Finneran, Shaun Dooley, Elyes Gabel, Romy Irving, Michelle Joseph, John Shrapnel, Sarah Jayne Steed, Rick Warden
  • Regie:Joe Ahearne
  • Vertrieb:2entertain
  • VÖ-Datum:12.01.2009
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
Vereinigte Königreich Edition, PAL/Region 2.4 DVD: TON: Englisch ( Dolby Digital Stereo ), Englisch ( Untertitel ), ANAMORPHIC WIDESCREEN (1.78:1), BONUSMATERIAL: Anamorphic Widescreen, FormMannschaft Interview(s), Hinter den Szenen, Szene Zugang, Wechselwirkendes Menü, SYNOPSIS: Father Jacob, Vatican Saint-maker, miracle detective and exorcist, is on a mission: to defeat Satan before the end of the world. The stakes really are that high, as the Devil tightens his grip - claiming the last century as his own, this one in his sights. For the maverick Jacob, played by award winning star Martin Shaw (The Professionals, George Gently, Judge John Deed), the job's getting busier by the week. Claims of apparitions, possessions, signs of the Saints and the miracles of God are on the up. For some, this is proof the struggle with Satan is intensifying and Armageddon, the battle of the End of Days, approaching fast. For others, it's merely an indication the Catholic Church is increasingly vulnerable to the whims of the deranged and deceitful... Investigating the truth, confronting the sceptics as well as pure evil, takes a priest of extraordinary integrity, intelligence, compassion and guts but - above all - faith. Father Jacob is such a priest: a man whose convictions enable and embolden him to confront the controversial, to present the truth in all its forms, wherever that leads him. And, with Jacob forced to face his own hidden demons, we follow him deep into that heart of darkness: witnessing, as he does, the most startling acts of satanic and saintly behaviour. Written and directed by the electrifying Joe Ahearne (Perfect Parents, Dr Who), Apparitions confronts us with as many questions as answers, taking us on a challenging, often terrifying but ultimately life-affirming journey of white knuckle supernatural mystery and intrigue. ...Apparitions - Complete Series - 3-DVD Set ( )
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