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Black Sails: Series 1+2

Black Sails - Series 1+2 [Blu-ray]
  • Serie:Black Sails
  • Medium:Blu-ray
  • Mitwirkende:Toby Stephens, Luke Arnold, Hannah New, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Zach McGowan, Rupert Penry-Jones, Tadhg Murphy
  • Vertrieb:Platform Entertainment
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
Vereinigte Königreich Edition, Blu-Ray/Region A/B/C DVD: TON: Englisch ( Dolby Digital Stereo ), Englisch ( DTS 5.1 ), Englisch ( DTS-HD Master Audio ), WIDESCREEN (1.78:1), BONUSMATERIAL: Kasten-Satz, Multi-DVD Satz, Szene Zugang, Wechselwirkendes Menü, SYNOPSIS: Etwa 20 Jahre vor den Ereignissen von Robert Louis Stevensons Roman-Klassiker 'Die Schatzinsel' erzählt diese Serie vom Kampf des Freibeuters James Flint (Toby Stephens) um die Pirateninsel New Providence Island in der Karibik. Der blutrünstige Captain und seine Crew suchen nach dem Schatz einer spanischen Galeone, um ihr Leben im Kriminellen-Paradies zu sichern. Dabei werden neben den bekannten Romanfiguren auch reale historische Piraten wie Jack Rackham, Anne Bonny und Charles Vane sowie tatsächliche Ereignisse wie der Untergang der Urca de Lima in die Handlung eingeflochten. ...Black Sails (Complete Seasons 1 & 2) - 7-Disc Box Set ( )
Black Sails Series 1
1715. The Golden Age of Piracy in the Caribbean is at its apex. The former British colony of New Providence Island is now lawless territory, controlled by the most notorious pirate captains in history. The most feared among them is Captain Flint.

But as the British Navy returns to these waters, threatening to exterminate Flint and his crew, another side of him emerges. Driven by deep, complicated, even romantic motives, Flint allies himself with the formidable Eleanor Guthrie, daughter of the local smuggling kingpin who turns the pirates loot into profits. Together, they forge a plan to hunt the ultimate prize, and by winning it, stave off reclamation of their home to ensure their survival.

Arrayed against them are a series of opponents: rival captains, jealous of Flint's power; Eleanor's father, whose ambitions for the island conflict with his daughter s; and a young sailor, John Silver, recently recruited onto Flint s crew, who will somehow manage to constantly undermine his captain s agenda.

Black Sails Series 2
The Walrus crew is stranded, with an army of Spanish soldiers standing between them and the precious Urca gold. And with their crimes against their brethren no longer a secret, Flint and Silver must join forces in a desperate bid for survival. Meanwhile, Eleanor Guthrie struggles to maintain her grip on Nassau, as a new breed of pirate arrives in the form of Ned Low, a man for whom violence isn t just a tool... it s a pastime. As blood is spilled, and tensions mount, Charles Vane must decide which he values more: Eleanor s life, or the respect of his men. And unbeknownst to all of them, a prize of immeasurable value has already been smuggled onto the island... one whose discovery will alter the very landscape of their world, and force everyone in Nassau toward the ultimate judgment: are they men, or are they monsters?

disc 1: Audio: English/French/German Subtitles: Dutch/French/German

disc 2: Audio: English Subtitles: none.
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